Friday, August 6, 2010

To Holla! or not to Holla! that is the question

This is a Public Service Announcement

There are some people who can throw out a "Holla!" I am not one of those people.  I can try, but I look and feel like an idiot.  As a result of this self-awareness, I have decided that Hollas should be reserved for very special occasions.  I ask you, are you Holla! kinda guy/gal?  If not, I beg you, save it for those truly worthy moments. 

A few examples:
  • My friend was very apprehensive about her upcoming solo vacation with the kids (a first).  She found out her daughter's best friend would be at the resort the exact same week. 
    •  This..... is Holla! worthy. 
  • Getting to work on time. 
    • This.... is NOT Holla! worthy.
  • J3
    • This is an inside joke and it.... IS Holla! worthy.
You get the idea.

This PSA has been brough to you by Holy Hot Mess.

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