Thursday, November 26, 2009

For the Love of God VH1, For the Love of Ray Jay 2. REALLY??

MESS ALERT, not Hot Mess, Just MESS!

It is a forgone conclusion, there is no shortage of trashy reality TV out there.  I have no problem flipping past the glut of trash strewn across the major networks all the way to The Learning Channel (Toddlers and Tiara's anyone).  HOWEVER, every single time I am perusing the dial, I get stuck on VH1 and For the Love of Ray Jay.  Why VH1 WHY?  

Gross Gross Gross Gross

Gross Gross Gross Gross

This slimy piece of poop makes me feel dirty even looking at this show.  I need a shower.  EW!  I guess he's a musician, but who cares?  He is an unoriginal wanna-be "playa".  The tramps on this show have to go too.  I'm just embarrassed for them.  It's too bad they don't know they should be embarrassed. They are trying to win time with this douche-bag Hey ladies, you made a wrong turn at VH1 turn around and get your asses to Tough Love.  I'm sure Steve has a few million pointers for you!

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