Sunday, November 29, 2009
Reasons I heart Chelsea Handler
Reasons I heart Chelsea Handler
1. She takes issue with Beyonce's lack of pants
2. Her acerbic wit
3. She knows big words and isn't afraid to use them
4. She's bangin the boss
5. She employs a little person. I'm only 5'2" maybe she'll hire me!
6. Speidi, yeah she hates both of you
7. She can't wink
8. She writes best selling books
9. She hates camping
10. She has a funny blog -
11. This
<embed width="400px" height="300px" flashvars="ID=CEGPromoPlayer&releasePID=JmEH2ySOJpcl8zCUKc2pNn1af7aVmnYE&playerId=Embed&locId=US&player.autoPlay=false&SWF_URL=" allowScriptAccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" salign="tl" scale="noscale" wmode="transparent" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" name="CEGPromoPlayer" id="CEGPromoPlayer" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>
12. She has brought the phrase "hot mess" to the masses
I love it!!!!! She is awesome!! OMG if she hires you - I want to be your sidekick! We could be the dancing girls or the backup girls or something - we should send a video of our moves....that would def get us on her you!
We def. have to make a video! We are so IN!
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