Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This week's peopleofwalmart.com installment

"Dammit,Billy Bob will you stop takin me through the dam women's section and take me to the
guns? Ive got to shoot another coon so I can finish my christmas Shopping"

OMG I think Billy Bob is a woman!

Fo Sho, that is a WOMAN a ~W~O~M~A~N~ woman

Jane, Jane, help me with this thing
called a coon hat

OMG are they in the olympics?? Is Coon Hunting a sport in the Olympics now?

psssst..... who wants to be the lucky one who gets to tell Miss Billy Bob and her beau Skeeter
that those jackets were made in Taiwan.

"And Im proud to be an American, cause I can wear my coon hat in Walmart"
"And Ill proudly STAND UP Next to you in the Women's Legging Aisle"
God Bless the USA!

No, sad to say coon hunting hasn't made it to the games yet. No matter these fine specimen are
backups for the curling team.

OMG - he might shoot you - be careful....lol!!!!
What does her hat say??

Those two are headed straight for the $1.00 dvd bin. Good luck with that Skeeter, even YOU
don't care to watch those flicks.


BTW, Miss Billy is pissed that Skeeter grabbed the Coon Skin hat before her this morning. She
decided she'd make do and thread her mullet through the hat hole in a desperate attempt to
appear as though she's wearing said coon.

Hes like look Mrs. Skeeter if I Shoot the seven just right it becomes a one and we can save like -
two, three, umm some dollars and wes be getting some dvds to watch tonight.....oh dang - we
dont have none of those gadgety dvd thingers - where the hell are the VHS's? 
Mrs. Skeeter - Oh Billy Bob - can we get a gagety dvd thinger - please?
Mr. ... Read MoreSkeeter - Dammit Skeets you know we have to save our money - we need it for
the entry into the Pabst Beer Olympics 23rd Annual Coon Hunt....whats yous be thinkin?
Mrs. Skeeter - oh thats right - wes gotta hold our title
Mr. Skeeter - thats right - daddy brings home the big prize this year........

If you look closely you'll notice there are only 49 stars on their jackets, they peeled off one in
protest. They are willing to accept Alaska 'cause those there folks know how to hunt.But they
will not accept Hawaii 'cause they are a bunch of hippy surfers.

Dam Skeeter he gets her evertyime - too bad she cant read - her family keeps getting her hats,
shirts, signs, and they all say RUUUUNNNNN 
She is still wondering what a RUIN is ........

and there we have it folks, today's edition of peopleofwalmart.com fan fiction. We're here all
week, don't forget to tip the wait staff. :)

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